The ASM has awarded the Alexander-Rüstow-Plakette to personalities since 1964 in honor of their private and professional engagement on behalf of the reinforcement and advancement of the Social Market Economy. |

Professor Dr. Berthold Leibinger
Business embodiment of the Social Market Economy – Unification of business concept and social commitment
(Image copyright: TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG) |


Professor Dr. Bernhard Vogel
Politics as practised charity - agreement on basic Christian, liberal and social values
Professor Dr. Hans Willgerodt
Demand of freedom and independence of individuals, the economy and universities


Professor Dr. Kurt Biedenkopf
Dedication to decentralized structures, constitutionality and competitiveness



Dr. Erich Lange
Exemplary entrepreneur in the sense of the Social Market Economy – Unification of social matters and entrepreneurship
Dr. Dieter Spiess
Pioneer of ecologically responsible entrepreneurship and unification of entrepreneurial and social concerns

Dr. Michael Otto
Development and application of modern entrepreneurial methods of leadership



Professor Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Kartte
Enforcement and consolidation of the principles of competition within the Social Market Economy

Professor Dr. Helmut Schlesinger
Preservation of the monetary stability and advocate for the credibility of monetary policy and for the openness of markets



Dr. Hans D. Barbier
“King’s Counsel of regulatory policies” – Publicist activities for a liberal order
Dr. h.c. Tyll Necker
Creative entrepreneurial activity and advocate for competition and deregulation
Professor Dr. Otto Schlecht
Achievements for the conception and application of the Social Market Economy

Karl Darscheid
Advocate of entrepreneurial autonomy and promoter of setting up businesses


Dr. Otto Graf Lambsdorff
Demand for “a return to market economy principles and maxims”

Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Dietrich Genscher
Precursor of détente policy between East and West as well as for German reunification



Professor Dr.
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann
Pioneer of public opinion research and advocate of pluralism of opinions
Wolfgang Frickhöffer
“Sedulous admonisher for the Social Market Economy” – Commitment to the preservation and advancement of the liberal order

Professor Dr. Alfred Müller-Armack
Co-founder of the Social Market Economy and originator of the term



Dr. Thorwald Risler
Energetic idealist – Promoter and pioneer of the German research and education system
Paul Schnitker
Contributor to the European middle class policy and commitment to the education and training within craft

Dr. Gerd Bucerius
Journalistic work for a liberal order and free press
Dr. Hans Friderichs
Entrepreneur and political representative of market economy principles



Professor. Dr. Karl Schiller
“Guardian of the Market Economy” – Political shaper of economic policy

Professor Dr. Eberhard Günther
Defender of the principle of competition and inspirer of the German competition law



Dr. Albrecht Düren
Voice of the entrepreneurs within the Social Market Economy

Professor Dr. Franz Böhm
Co-founder of the Freiburg School and admonisher for the guarantee of economic competition



Professor Dr. Ernst Schneider
Entrepreneur and major driving force of economic reconstruction
Dr. h.c. Karl Blessing
Advocate of price stability and of the credibility of the German Central Bank

Dr. Hans Otto Wesemann
Journalistic companion and commentator of the Social Market Economy



Professor Dr. Ludwig Erhard
Pioneer of the Social Market Economy in politics

Wilhelm Blum
Honoring the reinforcement and advancement of the Social Market Economy
