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The current ASM image film

Let us introduce ourselves: This short video provides a glimpse of the history, the goals, and the areas in which the Alliance for the Social Market Economy is active, and why and to whom we award the Alexander-Rüstow award. And action!

  English Version on YouTube
  German Version on YouTube


Alexander Rüstow Award

Thursday, April 8, 2021
5:30 pm CET (17:30 h) / 11:30 am EST

The Alliance for the Social Market Economy is honored to present Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs the Alexander Rüstow Award for his Advancement of a Humane Economy.

  Video of the award ceremony
  Invitation Download PDF


Brochure – What is
Social Market Economy?

In this brochure we highlight ten basic ideas which characterise the Social Market Economy. Make yourself familiar with the ideas behind the Social Market Economy. We hope that this brochure will encourage
the discussion about this important liberal economic and socio-political model.

  Brochure Download PDF

MACRO – Business Game für Macroeconomic Simulation

Are you interested in learning more about
our MACRO business game? Then visit our new website, you will find details, background information and the general conditions there.


Alliance for the Social Market Economy

Our activities include: Scientific seminars and projects, public lectures and economic advice. A major focus is on economic education.

In order to guarantee a high public acceptance of the Social Market Economy, competent communication is essential.


Many impetus and various perspectives are required to implement the concept of the Social Market Economy vividly in a dynamic and connected world.

Therefore, we initiate cooperations between scientists, organize discussion groups, look for dialogues with decision-makers, enable intensive exchanges within working groups and discuss the Social Market Economy with students.

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············   SOCIAL MARKET ECONOMY   ·············

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