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Nachlese 2018

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International Conference upon the 80th Anniversary of the Colloque Walter Lippmann

November 7-9, 2018, Tübingen, Germany

The Colloque Walter Lippmann (CWL) in Paris in August 1938 constituted a major meeting of international interdisciplinary scholars to discuss the history, current issues and future of liberalism in the 20th century.

It is usually seen as the birthplace of “neoliberalism”. The aim of the conference is to bring together international scholars from various disciplines and to revisit the topics discussed at the Colloque. The conference will be organized by the ASM, The Network for Constitutional Economics and Social Philosophy (NOUS) and the Weltethos-Institut.

  Programm als PDF
  NOUS – Netzwerk für Ordnungsökonomik und Sozialphilosophie
  Weltethos Institut

  Call for Papers als PDF
[ 27.03.19 ] Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch is a forum co-edited by Nils Goldschmidt for research analyzing economic life in relation to its social and physical environment, particularly for research interested in the interface between the economic order and other societal orders.

This Call for Papers is motivated by the recent anniversary of the Colloque Walter Lippmann, an international interdisciplinary conference held 1938 in Paris that has often been portrayed as the birthplace of neoliberalism.

Fotos: Weltethos-Institut

Fotos: Charles McCann

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