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Conference Heterodox and Contextual Thinking in Economics

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February 8th and 9th, 2018, Frankfurt University

The main aim of the conference is to promote fruitful exchange between academics working on heterodox
approaches to economics. We would like to facilitate serious intellectual exchange about the viability of contextual approaches to the topics usually covered by mainstream economics. The goal is to create a permanent network of intellectuals interested in contextual approaches to social science and to strengthen cooperation between diverse ways of doing economics. You are not only encouraged to debate about heterodoxy in the practice of economics, but also about „best practices“ for implementing it in one‘s research agenda and one‘s teaching, as well as about the relation between the way in which economics is practiced and the prospects for a free and humane social and economic order. Optimally, the conference will turn into a permanent, institutionalized event that serves as a meeting- and socializing-point for a select group of scholars interested in these questions.

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 Overview of videos on YouTube

Deirdre N. McCloskey Part I

Deirdre N. McCloskey Part II

Deirdre N. McCloskey Part III
John B. Davis Part I
John B. Davis Part II
John B. Davis Part III

Thursday, February 8th, 2018, Frankfurt University

Friday, February 9th, 2018, Frankfurt University

© Photos: Exzellenzcluster Normative Orders Frankfurt am Main
     Organized by ..................................................
     Financially Supported by ..............................






































































































































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